
getsmile 2012-8-4 7281

Server #36 is under the DDOS attack (IP Nullrouted)
We have just received a HUGE (over 3GB/s incoming traffic) DDoS attack targeting the Server #36. Our CISCO guard firewall was unable to handle such attack, so one of the server IP address was disabled (all the rest websites on this server are working fine).

If your website is using this IP (due to unique IP rotation system only 3% websites are using this IP) it will be unavailable for the next 6 hours. As soon attack will subside, this IP address will be enabled and your website will start working again. We thank you for your patience and understanding.       
我们刚刚收到了巨大的(超过3GB / s的传入流量)DDoS攻击的目标服务器#36。我们的思科的后卫防火墙是无法处理这种攻击,使服务器的IP地址- 被禁用(在此服务器上所有的休息网站都正常)。 如果您的网站使用此IP(由于独特的IP旋转系统只有3%的网站使用此IP),这将是未来6小时内无法使用。攻击很快消退,此IP地址将被启用,您的网站将重新开始工作。我们感谢您的耐心和理解。
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