
一起微校 2011-12-19 5878

本帖最后由 一起微校 于 2011-12-19 16:08 编辑

Management Associate Program
  What a successful applicant can expect
  Intensive development through a specially designed Management Associate program with four rotations in two years
  A range of challenging roles within the relevant banking functions with on-the-job trainings.
  A thorough understanding of Citibank's operations in respective areas as well as the professional knowledge required for a successful career

  Requirements of the candidate
  Master or Bachelor degree from a highly rated university, strong academic record, open to any major
  Less than four years' working experience
  Keen interest in pursuing career opportunity in the financial services industry
  Cross-functional interests and mobility to work in different locations/cities
  Leadership potential, self-starter, be initiative and innovative
  Team-player, contributes to collective goals
  Demonstrates professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity
  Possesses excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  Adapt to changes in a rapid-growth organization
  Strong quantitative and analytical skills
  Proficiency in both Mandarin and English

  Interested applicants please send your detailed resume in Chinese and English by E-mail to: MA.RCBCN@citi.com
  Applicants PLEASE indicate the preferred interview cities on the email's subject to arrange selection process easily
  Options of Interview Cities: Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Changsha, Chengdu
     花旗集团(Citigroup)是当今世界资产规模最大、利润最多、全球连锁性最高、业务门类最齐全的金融服务集团。它是由花旗公司与旅行者集团于1998年合并而成、并于同期换牌上市的。换牌上市后,花旗集团运用增发新股集资于股市收购、或定向股权置换等方式进行大规模股权运作与扩张,并对收购的企业进行花旗式战略输出和全球化业务整合,成为美国第一家集商业银行、投资银行、保险、共同基金、证券交易等诸多金融服务业务于一身的金融集团。合并后的花旗集团总资产达7000亿美元,净收入为 500亿美元,在100个国家有1亿客户,拥有6000万张信用卡的消费客户。从而成为世界上规模最大的全能金融集团之一。使花旗集团在短短五年时间里,总资产规模扩大了71%,股东权益增加92%,资本实力不断提高;总收入提高72%,利润增长 2.6倍,表现出不凡的盈利能力;其股票在进行一次送股(每3股送1股)和 22次分红派息(每股分红共计$3.82)的情况下,每股净值仍提高了一倍,价格翻了一番。花旗股票是纽约股市著名的绩优蓝筹股,如其业务品牌一样著名。
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  • 爱情至上ywi 2012-3-21

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